Aerial feral animal control
Greyman Ops is licensed as a professional animal controller, with CASA permit to carry and shoot from aircraft nationally.
While we are based in Qld, we can operate nationally after obtaining permits from State Police Services.
We hold national accreditation for Humane Destruction of Animals using firearms.
We use semi-auto AR platform rifles, chambered in 5.56mm or .308Win – depending on the target species and client requirements.
Feral pig control
Feral pigs are a serious environmental and agricultural pest across Australia. They are found in all states and territories, particularly around wetlands and river systems.
They prey on native animals and plants, dig up large expanses of soil and vegetation in search of food and foul fresh water. Feral pigs will eat many things including small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, crayfish, eggs, earthworms and other invertebrates, and all parts of plants including the fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs and foliage.
Feral pigs can host animal diseases that can be transmitted to other species. In dirt on their feet and fur, they can also spread plant pathogens such as Phytophthora cinnamomi, which causes plant dieback.
Feral pigs move around to new sites with food and water, and can breed rapidly to recover from control programs or droughts, and the impacts of feral pigs are intensified when their populations are large.
We can also manage other wild animals- Deer Dogs, Rats, Pigs, Foxes, Rabbits and Cats.
Feral cats can cause a significant impact on small native animals, birds, lizards and insects.
They also can be responsible for passing on diseases such as toxoplasmosis. This disease can impact both native animals and livestock.
Shooting can be conducted during the day and night. There are various techniques of shooting that can be implemented, including the use of spotlights, night scope or thermal vision. All these techniques can be employed to increase the efficiency of feral cat control activities.
Feral Deer
Deer were introduced into Australia from Europe in the 19th century as game animals. Today, they
occupy many areas throughout Australia and cause a variety of environmental problems. Current
management techniques rely heavily on shooting and containment. However, as deer populations
expand, new control methods may need to be investigated.
Feral deer

About the fact sheet
Deer were introduced into Australia from Europe in the 19th century as game animals. Deer are a major emerging pest problem, causing damage both to the natural environment and agricultural businesses. Populations are expanding and deer are invading new areas.
Feral deer can have major impacts in parks and reserves by:
- destroying native vegetation by trampling plants, grazing, and ring-barking young trees
- fouling waterholes
- causing soil erosion
- spreading weeds
- potentially transmitting diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease